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A) To cover all the material necessary, it takes 40-plus hours of teaching time. To do that in 3-hour increments would require over 16 individual meetings. Most people's schedules don't allow for that.

Plus, the real LSAT is a four-hour exam -- and more, with the required sign-in and paperwork procedures. People who are used to three hour Lessons often lose it in the last two sections of the real exam. Our students, trained in a five-hour regimen, are still fully awake and focused throughout the whole exam. We start building stamina from day one with classes longer than the real exam itself.

But if you do want to break it down into bite-size pieces, you can always do any part of any Lesson whenever you like -- in our offices, with our video makeup Lessons.

Video Lessons are not the downgrade you might expect, but are, in fact, MORE thorough, complete, and detailed than our live classes. And, of course, you can watch them whenever you like, as many times as you like -- totally at your convenience.
