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A)Ironically, the most important benefit of the PreTest analysis is knowing what you already do right -- so you can leave it alone during the training process.

Most players in this industry take a very dogmatic approach to the exam, insisting that there's only one way to do everything that the exam demands. Obviously, this is ridiculous -- but it's also dangerous. This is why you'll often hear about people's scores DROPPING after they took a mass-market course on the LSAT. They were usually trying to fix what wasn't broken, changing elements of their existing methods that were already working fine -- but were not what was suggested in the courses.

We work very hard to identify those elements of the exam that do NOT need adjustment for each individual student, and to ensure that we don't mess up what they're already doing fine on their own.

One final function of the PreTest is that it of course provides the baseline score for the money-back portion of our guarantee package. But if you've EVER done a timed-and-proctored real LSAT -- anywhere, even with our competitors -- and have documented score report, we'll recognize that for money-back purposes.

The more important part of the guarantee package is the free repeat guarantee, and that is unconditional, and therefore would be unaffected by whether you took the PreTest with us or not.
