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A) If you need a LOT of extra attention, one-on-one tutoring can be added into the Course, either on an a-la-carte basis, or by buying the "Platinum Package" upgrade either at the start of the Course, or at any point thereafter.

Most people who initially expect to need a lot of individual attention find, however, that it is unnecessary, since the course itself is already by far the most personalized on the market. Every single aspect of the exam is presented with multiple methods and approaches, since people -- even very high scorers -- don't all think the same way.

No TestWell Instructor will ever say, "THE way to do this is..." because the moment we'd say something like that, we'd be wrong for at least some people. Multiple methods for everything ensure that you'll find ways that work for YOU, personally. And since no other course anywhere includes multiple methods for every aspect of the exam, even personal tutoring from other firms cannot achieve the same degree of personalization that our Course confers.

The Personal Performance Analyses® of PreTest, MidTerm, Final, and selected PracTests are also key in helping personalize and individualize necessary approaches.
