We charge about the same or less (MUCH less in
the case of Sliding-Scale eligible students) than the mass-market
firms for a course that costs us MUCH more to run. We pay our instructors
nearly THREE TIMES what the mass-market firms pay; we have nearly
TWICE as many instructional hours.. and that's before we even add
in the live PracTests! Plus, we give many more REAL LSAT exams in
the materials packs. Yet we charge the same or less to take the
The difference is partly in marketing. The big firms spend -- this
is not an exaggeration -- more than a million dollars annually in
regional marketing for the Boston area ALONE. We spend.. nothing.
Our students learn about us almost exclusively through word of
mouth. So if you're lucky enough to know someone who's
taken our course, you'll hear how great it is. And if you know
one of the many students who have taken both our Course AND someone
else's, you know how much BETTER we are.
If you don't know anyone like that, it's no surprise
you've never heard of us before. But if you call anyone you
know at Harvard, or Wellesley, or Brown, or any other highly competitive
school in the Boston area, they'll probably have at least heard
of us.